I'm watching you. Yes, you.

Archive for January 18, 2017

Oh hey, a blog!

I am nothing, if not inconsistent!

It’s been almost two years since I wrote anything here!!  I’ve gotten married, changed my name, and already had my one-year wedding anniversary.  I got a certificate in Paralegal Studies.  My husband quit his job – it really was killing him – and we hope to get him back out into the job market in the next few months.

I’ll be participating in my very first 10K in April, the Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10K, and I’m trying really hard to build up my stamina in the meantime.  I’ve found some really awesome products to encourage me to get moving despite the chilly weather, and I hope to share them with you in future posts.

Hopefully not as far apart as this and the last post were…